Samsung Employees Globally Engage in World Water Day Conservation Activities

In honor of World Water Day on March 22nd, Samsung Electronics coordinated efforts with employees, local communities, and organizations across 22 worksites worldwide to participate in various water conservation activities. With a focus on raising awareness about the importance of clean water access and combatting water scarcity, Samsung’s initiatives underscore the company’s commitment to environmental stewardship.

Samsung’s Commitment to Water Conservation: 

Since 2006, Samsung has been actively involved in numerous water conservation events, including river cleanups and educational programs on water conservation. The company’s dedication to ensuring clean water availability for future generations is evident in its ongoing efforts to engage employees and local communities in conservation activities.

Special Initiatives for World Water Day: 

Aligned with this year’s World Water Day theme of “Leveraging Water for Peace“, Samsung implemented special initiatives such as providing assistance with drinking water for vulnerable populations and conducting educational programs on water conservation. These efforts highlight Samsung’s holistic approach to addressing water-related challenges.

Junhwa Lee’s Perspective on Water Conservation: 

Junhwa Lee, Vice President of Global EHS, emphasized the importance of World Water Day in prompting reflection on the significance of clean water. Samsung Electronics executives and employees actively participate in water conservation activities to reinforce the company’s commitment to environmental sustainability.

Global Participation in Water Conservation Activities: 

With 44,000 employees mobilized across 22 worksites globally, Samsung’s World Water Day conservation activities involved a diverse range of participants, including local governments, NGOs, and residents. The collective efforts showcased the power of collaborative action in addressing global water challenges.

Impact of Collaborative Efforts on Sustainable Water Management: 

Through its extensive network of participants, Samsung reaffirms its dedication to promoting sustainable water management practices and making a positive impact on communities worldwide. The company’s continued engagement in water conservation activities exemplifies its commitment to environmental responsibility.


  1. What is World Water Day, and why is it important?
    • World Water Day is a United Nations-recognized day that emphasizes the fundamental right to water access and promotes initiatives to combat water scarcity and pollution.
  2. How has Samsung been involved in water conservation efforts?
    • Samsung has been actively engaged in various events since 2006, including river cleanups, educational programs, and special initiatives for World Water Day.
  3. What special initiatives did Samsung undertake for World Water Day?
    • Samsung provided assistance with drinking water for vulnerable populations and conducted educational programs on water conservation to align with the theme of “Leveraging Water for Peace.”
  4. Why is it important for companies like Samsung to participate in water conservation activities?
    • Companies like Samsung play a crucial role in raising awareness about the importance of clean water access and promoting sustainable water management practices for future generations.
  5. How does Samsung’s global participation in water conservation activities showcase its commitment to environmental stewardship?
    • Samsung’s mobilization of employees, local communities, and organizations across 22 worksites worldwide demonstrates the company’s dedication to environmental responsibility and making a positive impact on communities through collaborative action.

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