Budget 2024: 3.48% Increase in Internal Security, Announces FM Nirmala Sitharaman

In the interim budget for 2024-25, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has announced a 3.48% increase in the allocation for internal security. The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has been allocated ₹2,02,868.70 crore, marking an increase from the previous year. The highest share of this budget has been set aside for paramilitary forces, with the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) and the Border Security Force (BSF) receiving the largest allocations. Let’s delve into the details of the budget allocation for internal security and its implications.

Allocation for Paramilitary Forces: CRPF and BSF

The CRPF, India’s largest paramilitary force involved in internal security and VIP protection duty, has been allocated ₹32,809.65 crore, while the BSF, responsible for guarding the country’s borders, has received ₹25,027.52 crore. These allocations reflect the government’s commitment to strengthening the forces responsible for maintaining law and order within the country and protecting its borders.

Increased Funding for Education, Training, and Research

The budget has also seen a significant increase in funding for the education, training, and research of police personnel. The allocation for this purpose has risen from ₹442.17 crore in the previous year to ₹887.58 crore in 2024-25, marking an increase of 110.72%. This boost in funding will enable the police to enhance their skills, knowledge, and capabilities to effectively tackle emerging challenges in the field of internal security.

The Role of BPRD and Police Training Institutes

The Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPRD), along with various police training institutes and forensic institutions, will play a crucial role in preparing infrastructure and training police personnel throughout the year. The budget allocation covers expenditure on institutes such as the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy, Central Detective Training School, and National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science. The focus on training and research aims to improve the efficiency and public outreach of the police force.

Allocations for Special Protection Group (SPG) and Intelligence Bureau

The Special Protection Group (SPG), responsible for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s security, has been allocated ₹506.32 crore. This slight increase in allocation emphasizes the government’s commitment to ensuring the safety of the country’s top leadership. The Intelligence Bureau, tasked with gathering intelligence and maintaining internal security, has received ₹3,195.09 crore. Although there is a decrease from the previous year, the allocation reflects the importance of intelligence gathering and analysis in addressing security concerns.

Comparison with Previous Year’s Budget and Revised Estimates

The budget allocation for internal security in 2024-25 reflects a 3.48% increase from the previous year. The highest share has been dedicated to the paramilitary forces, highlighting the government’s focus on strengthening internal security measures. The increased funding for education, training, and research of police personnel is a positive step toward enhancing the capabilities of law enforcement agencies.


  1. What is the allocation for the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) in the 2024-25 budget?
    • The CRPF has been allocated ₹32,809.65 crore, reflecting the government’s emphasis on internal security.
  2. How much funding has been allocated for education, training, and research of police personnel?
    • The allocation for this purpose has risen from ₹442.17 crore to ₹887.58 crore, a significant increase of 110.72%.
  3. Which elite security force has received an increased allocation in the budget?
    • The Special Protection Group (SPG), responsible for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s security, has been allocated ₹506.32 crore.
  4. What is the allocation for the Intelligence Bureau in the 2024-25 budget?
    • The Intelligence Bureau has been allocated ₹3,195.09 crore, indicating the importance of intelligence gathering in addressing security concerns.
  5. How does the budget allocation for internal security compare to the previous year?

The budget for internal security has increased by 3.48% compared to the previous year, showcasing the government’s commitment to bolstering internal security measures.

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