Colorado Doctor Advocates for Improved Black Maternal Health: Addressing Disparities

Dr. Dawn Owens Robinson, a Colorado OB-GYN with over 23 years of experience, is spearheading efforts to raise awareness about the alarming disparities in Black maternal health. In honor of Black History Month, Dr. Robinson aims to shed light on the healthcare crisis affecting Black women during pregnancy. This article will delve into the reasons behind these disparities, the role of healthcare providers, and the need for greater diversity in the medical field.

The Alarming Study: Black Maternal Health Disparities

According to CDC data, Black women in the United States are three times more likely to die from pregnancy complications compared to white women. Moreover, infant mortality rates among Black newborns are two and a half times higher, and the preterm birth rate is significantly elevated. These statistics highlight a pressing healthcare crisis that demands immediate attention.

Factors Contributing to Disparities: Inequities and Mistreatment

Healthcare inequities and underlying health conditions contribute significantly to the disparities in Black maternal health. Black women face mistreatment and are often dismissed or misdiagnosed when seeking medical care. This mistreatment leads to delayed or inadequate treatment, exacerbating health issues and increasing the risk of complications during pregnancy.

Empowering Black Moms-to-Be: Research and Doula Support

To combat these disparities, Dr. Robinson advises Black moms-to-be to thoroughly research their care teams and hospitals. It is essential to choose a hospital equipped with a NICU, 24-hour in-house anesthesia, and emergency care. Additionally, considering the use of a doula can provide a valuable support system, ensuring a birthing mother’s voice is heard and respected throughout the process.

The Call for Change: Listening, Representation, and Inclusion

Dr. Robinson emphasizes the need for immediate action from healthcare providers and aspiring professionals. Listening to patients and treating them with humanity, decency, and respect is crucial. Furthermore, diversifying the medical field by increasing the representation of brown and Black doctors, nurses, and midwives is essential to address the disparities effectively.


The healthcare crisis surrounding Black maternal health disparities requires urgent attention. By raising awareness, advocating for research, and promoting inclusivity, significant strides can be made. It is imperative that healthcare providers, institutions, and policymakers work together to eliminate disparities and ensure equitable access to quality maternal healthcare for all women.


  1. What are the Black maternal health disparities?
    Black maternal health disparities refer to the disproportionate rates of pregnancy-related complications and deaths among Black women compared to their white counterparts. Black women face higher risks of maternal mortality, infant mortality, and preterm births.
  2. What factors contribute to these disparities?
    Healthcare inequities, underlying health conditions, and mistreatment play significant roles in Black maternal health disparities. Black women often experience dismissive or inadequate care, leading to delayed diagnosis and treatment.
  3. How can Black moms-to-be empower themselves?
    Black moms-to-be can empower themselves by conducting thorough research before choosing their care team and hospital. They should prioritize hospitals with specialized facilities like NICUs and 24-hour emergency care. Additionally, considering the support of a doula can help ensure their voices are heard during childbirth.
  4. What is the role of healthcare providers in addressing these disparities?
    Healthcare providers must listen to their patients, treat them with respect, and provide equitable care. By acknowledging and addressing the disparities, healthcare providers can contribute to improved maternal health outcomes.

Why is diversity important in the medical field?
Diversity in the medical field is crucial as it brings different perspectives and experiences to healthcare. Increasing the representation of brown and Black doctors, nurses, and midwives helps address cultural biases, improves patient-provider communication, and ensures better access to appropriate care for marginalized communities.

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