The Impact of Indian Tourists on the Maldivian Economy

The recent controversy between India and the Maldives has shed light on the importance of Indian tourists for the tourism-dependent Maldivian economy. While the Maldives may not be among the top destinations for Indian travelers, the country heavily relies on Indian tourists for its economy. This article explores the significance of Indian tourists for the Maldivian economy, the sudden rise of the Maldives as a popular tourist destination for Indians, and the top destinations preferred by Indian travelers.

The India-Maldives Controversy in Brief:

The controversy began when Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Lakshadweep and shared images of its picturesque landscapes. Some media reports and internet chatter associated this promotion of Lakshadweep as a counter to the Maldives, which triggered three Maldivian lawmakers to post derogatory and racist comments against Indians and PM Modi. This led to a massive backlash and calls to boycott the Maldives. However, the Maldivian government took action against the lawmakers and tried to control the diplomatic fallout.

How Indians Matter to the Maldivian Economy:

Approximately one-third of the Maldivian economy depends on tourism, making it highly reliant on foreign tourists. India is the top source country for tourists, with over two lakh Indian tourists visiting the Maldives in 2023. Though this number may seem small for India, it constitutes 11% of the Maldives’ total visitors. The calls for a boycott by Indians are concerning for a country heavily dependent on tourism.

Shopping and Economic Impact:

Indian tourists contribute significantly to the Maldivian economy through their expenditures. High Net Individual (HNI) travelers from India typically spend 4-5 nights in the Maldives, with expenses ranging from $2,500 to $5,000 per night. By promoting domestic destinations like Lakshadweep, the Indian government can encourage Indians to spend their holidays at home, boosting the local economy.

The Growing Popularity of the Maldives among Indians:

The number of Indian tourists visiting the Maldives has steadily increased over the years. From accounting for 6.1% of total tourists in 2018, the share of Indian tourists rose to over 11% in 2023. The Maldives became a popular destination due to its visa-eased visa norms for Indians, proximity to India, and attractive beach landscapes. Celebrities, influencers, and social media played a significant role in popularizing the Maldives as a holiday destination for Indians.

Top 10 Travel Destinations for Indians:

The Maldives does not feature in the top 10 overseas tourist destinations preferred by Indians in 2022. Popular destinations among Indians include the UAE, Saudi Arabia, the United States, Singapore, and Thailand. Oman ranked 10th on the list, with 7.72 lakh Indians visiting the country. Despite not being among the top choices, the Maldives still holds significance due to the high expenditure of Indian tourists.

Where Indians Are Planning to Holiday:

According to the latest Google search report for 2023, Indians are most interested in visiting destinations like Vietnam, Bali, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Italy. The Maldives does not appear on this list, indicating that it is not a top consideration for most Indians planning their holidays.


How important are Indian tourists for the Maldivian economy? 

Indian tourists contribute significantly to the Maldivian economy, with India being the top source country for tourists. Approximately one-third of the Maldivian economy depends on tourism, and Indian tourists make up 11% of total visitors.

Why did the Maldives become popular among Indians? 

The Maldives gained popularity among Indians due to its visa-eased visa norms, proximity to India, and attractive beach landscapes. Celebrities, influencers, and social media played a significant role in promoting the Maldives as a desirable holiday destination.

Is the Maldives among the top destinations for Indian travelers? 

No, the Maldives does not feature in the top 10 overseas tourist destinations preferred by Indians. Popular choices include the UAE, Saudi Arabia, the United States, Singapore, and Thailand.

How much do Indian tourists spend in the Maldives? 

High Net Individual (HNI) travelers from India visiting the Maldives usually spend 4-5 nights, with expenditures ranging from $2,500 to $5,000 per night. Their high spending contributes to the Maldivian economy.

Where are Indians planning to holiday? 

According to the latest Google search report, Indians are most interested in visiting destinations like Vietnam, Bali, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Italy. The Maldives does not appear on the list of top search destinations for Indians.

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